Homerta series is created for showing that the domestic violence and violence against women are crucial
problems in our society especially during the pandemic.The name,Homerta,is made by Home and
Omerta(the code of silence in the mob world).
During the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, an alarming increase of domestic violence incidents
came to surface. HOMERTA series aspires to shed light to the victims of domestic abuse, expanding the
conversation on how patriarchical behaviours contribute to this issue.This series of artworks focuses,
among others, on the reflection of social stereotypes through the perspective of the family and especially
the relationship between a couple. Depictions of a disappointed and violent spouse who lashes out despite
getting the attention and affections he needs, showcase that abuse is well established within the context of

Papapaschalis Aris
Born in Thessaloniki in 1991
Lives and works in Thessaloniki

2020- present
MFA Visual Arts and Landscape:Approaches to Natural and Urban Space
Contemporary Approaches to Art Education
School of Visual and Applied Arts,Faculty of Fine Arts
University of Western Macedonia,Florina,Greece

BA/MFA Fine Arts in Painting
School of Visual and Applied Arts,Faculty of Fine Arts
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki,Greece

Group shows
Arte Noah foundation,Kunsthalle Feldbach,Austria
Pikap community-Art in Thessaloniki
Municipal Library of Thessaloniki(Villa Bianca)-Pikap Community,Thessaloniki,Greece
Resilience Project-So far so close,
MoMus-Museum of Contemporary Art,Thessaloniki,Greece

Gratuates 2014-2017
MoMus-Museum of Contemporary Art,Thessaloniki,Greece

Museum of Lithography,Sunby gard Huddinge,Stockholm,Sweden
MoMus-Museum of Contemporary Art,Thessaloniki,Greece
Up.Fest. Gallery Bristol,England