Είμαι ότι επιλέγω και είναι δικαίωμα μου.
Ένας κόσμος χωρίς ακριβές φύλλο, ο καθένας από εμάς είναι ελεύθερος
να επιλέξει να είναι ότι θέλει χωρίς όρια και αιτία. Μια ουτοπία
ελευθερίας χωρίς «πρέπει». Σώματα χωρίς σηγκεριμένα
χαρακτηριστικά, μέλη χωρίς συγκεκριμένη προέλευση. Σαν να
εισχωρούμε στο ανθρώπινο σώμα και να το βλέπουμε σε μεγέθυνση. Ο
φόβος δεν υπάρχει εδώ παρά μόνο η ισότητα και η ενότητα. Αυτό που
μένει στο τέλος είναι το πνεύμα μας που πετάει ελεύθερο μακριά από
τον ρατσισμό.

Βασιλική Κούκου
Vassiliki Koukou is a visual artist currently based in Athens, Greece. She is interested in painting, contemporary sculpture, engraving, photography, sewing and scenography. She created they “Fantastic World”, like a childhood memory of hers. She likes to create storiesan d give life to non existing creatures using wood, clay, fabric and other materials. In her paintings she tries to create scenes from this “Fantasy World” of hers. Stories for creatures with big horns, small eyes, no eyes, big feet, small feet, strange birds. Her world is not aggressive or violent, all beings live in peacefull harmony with each other. The intensity comes out only through the colors. When she was young she used to play with her toys on the floor with her mother every day, they were dreaming and creating stories. Her biggest fear is the adulthood. She can’t continue playing with her toys on the floor anymore. Now she create her own toys but she can’t play with them the same way she used to. The extroverted child’s play has become an in-game adult game. She invite us to play with her and dream our own world. Our “Fantasy World”.