ARTENS Cultural Centre in Athens organizes XOUTH Festival, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. The festival aims to curate a narrative opposing discrimination, inequalities and marginalization to promote both social coherence and a participatory culture. It draws inspiration from I. Pitsipios novel Monkey Xouth or the Morals of the Century (1848) in which Bartholdy, a well known traveller of the 19th century, commits a crime, loses his voice and escapes to a faraway place. There, the contemplation of his crime and the hard conditions in nature leave their marks on him so much, that, when he is captured, he gets classified as a ‘monkey’ and is sold to various young male masters of the era as their servant.

We cordially invite not only the wider artistic community but all interested in the community to participate by submitting a creative proposal under the following categories: performances up to 20 minutes (theatre, dance, visual/performance art, music/voice, storytelling, poetry, fashion, body art, live games), installations, comic (total 2 sq.m.), photos (42×60 cm max), film up to 20 minutes (fiction, animation, documentary up to 45 minutes), videos up to 5 minutes, digital art, VR works, sound art/environments, textile art, experimental media.

XOUTH Festival will be taking place from Wednesday 18th to Sunday 22nd  December 2019 in Athens, in a building of 700 sq. m., Voukourestiou 33, opening solely for the purposes of the festival and at ARTENS cultural centre (Voukourestiou 40).

Your work will be addressing the overall festival aims. We have provided a list of keywords to help guide this exploration and response, they are as follows:

  • unclassified, resisting taxonomies, uncanny, obscure, ambiguous,
  • entity, creature, avatar,
  • emerging differences and minorities, inequalities, the vulnerable,
  • the animal as human, the human as animal, wild creature, pet, the animal as a friend, as a tyrant, animal rights, plant rights, live beings rights,
  • beauty, ugliness, démodé, mainstream, trendy, eccentric,
  • cosmopolitan, tourist, traveller, immigrant, refugee, nomad, pariah,
  • primitive, evolved, underdeveloped

To submit a proposal please send until Sunday 27th November 2019 in one email the following:
Α) 1-3 images of the proposed work (that may be used for the promotion and int he booklet accompanying the festival) preferably in JPEG format 300 dpi, and links to Vimeo, Youtube for  performances, videos, films, sound works e.t.c. open or providing a password,

Β) In one sole pdf (έως 6 ΜΒ max),  the following:

  • Title of the suggested work,
  • Concept note (150 words max),
  • short cv and list of works (2 pages max) together with your name, address, telephone, email and country where you are based. Links to your website and portfolio are welcome,
  • Technical specifications and description note (200 words max e.g. dimensions, format, rationale for exhibiting e.t.c.)

To the following email address:

At the “subject”, please mention Opencall_Name_Surname_Title of work_category for example opencall _kate_smith_the cave_ video.

If your proposal is selected, you will be notified within the first days of December and required to submit extra material e.g. an excellent quality version of your video. The names of the participants and the titles of their works will be used in the booklet of the festival, in social media and press releases.

  • By sending a proposal for a work of yours to be shown at the festival, you verify that copyright belongs to you.
  • The transfer of the works to and from the space of the festival will take place on days and times to be announced shortly after the selection.
  • Expenses of transfer and presentation will not be covered. Participants should proceed to their own financial arrangements for their participation.

Production: ARTENS
Festival curators:
Magenta Artistic Collaboration (Elena Timplalexi & Katerina Sotiriou)
Production coordinators: Stelios Mitsos / Chrysa Lastiki
Point of contact: Evi Peterson – Art Director & Managing Partner of ARTENS

Voukourestiou 40, Athens
T: 0030 210 33 17 312

For more information, please reach:
Evi Peterson – Art Director & Managing Partner
T: 210 33 17 312, 6944 166 246